Regionen mit Paeonien

Regions with peonies

Wonderful website with many linked phantastic pictures of the slovenian flora: For the peony-picture click on flora – rosy -wait for ... ( or use the thumbnail below). Thanks to Sašo Mejak for the tip!!

Navadna potonika (Peony; Paeonia officinalis L.; Peony fam. (Paeoniaceae)). The peony has the largest flowers of the Slovene flora. It is so familiar a garden plant that it comes as a big surprise to encounter it "in the wild" among hop-hornbeam or grassy clearings of this forest communities. The colour contrast between the petals and the stamina, not usually found in the garden variety, can be admired on several mountains in the Karst. Of the two native species in Slovenia, the Paeonia officinalis is the more common.