Paeonia 'Marie Lemoine'

type: [herbaceous peony] – [species cultivar] – [lactiflora]


Calot (115)

Paeonia sinensis. Auslese aus unserer ersten Abteilung:


Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Check List of Chinese Peonies in Commerce] Single Peonies, page 67

MARIE LEMOINE. ma-ree-lS-mwan' (Calot, 1869.), 8.5.

Double type; very large; late. Compact and flat at first; lemon-white with a trace of crimson on edges of a few petals and whole flower strongly suffused with yellow from hidden stamens and staminodes; develops to a large, globular form, pure white, with a few yellow petaloids in the collar; richly fragrant. Dwarf; moderately floriferous; stout stems and foliage.

Very highly regarded as one of the handsomest peonies. A few stamens are usually present and many half-developed petals in the depths of the flower. "Subject to diseased roots."—Christman. "Much subject to disease."—Boyd.

MARIE LEMOINE (Calot, 1869) - Double - White - Late. Dwarf. Rich fragrance. Very large. Compact and flat at first; lemon-white with a trace of crimson on edges of a few petals and whole flower strongly suffused with yellow from hidden stamens and staminodes; develops to a large, globular form, pure white, with a few yellow petaloids in the collar. Moderately floriferous; stout stems and foliage. M.

Marie Lemoine (Calot 1869), white, cream at centre. Very large. Rose type. Medium height. Sweetly scented. vl.


Marie Lemoine, P. lactiflora, gefülltblühende Sorten, elfenbeinrosa

Rivière (1995):

'Marie Lemoine' /Calot/1869

Marie Lemoine A charming rose-type white double with creamy white centre, edged carmine. Late.

Kortmann (1998)

'Marie Lemoine' (Calot, Frankrijk, 1869) Bloemen crèmewit, overgaand naar licht citroengeel in het uiterste centrum (rand van sommige tepalen met enkele rode sporen), gevuld, aangenaam geurend, laat; bladeren betrekkelijk fijn, donkergroen; hoogte 60 70 cm; bloemstengels zeer stevig; vertakking matig.

Brian Porter (2004):

Marie Lemoine, [Paeonia sinensis Gefülltblühende Sorten:] elfenbeinweiß, spätblühend, gedrungener fester Wuchs

Marie Lemoine. [Paeonia albiflora Gefüllt blühende Sorten] Elfenbeinweiß.Nelkenf

'Marie Lemoine' (Calot 1869) : fl. double, blanc soufré, léger liseré carmin, 1m, tardive

Tartu Ülikooli Botaanikaaed (THE BOTANICAL GARDEN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TARTU) INDEX PLANTARUM : Paeonia 'Marie Lemoine' Calot 1869

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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