type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
SEA SHELL (Sass, 1937) - Single - Pink - Midseason. Tall. This pink single, was always one of the most admired exhibits at our peony shows. Large flowers of a bright lively pink with a full center of yellow stamens on strong stems. A center of attraction in the garden and simply beautiful as a cut flower. It is one of the best pink singles we have. Bulletin 69. Catalogs. |
Sea Shell - Single, mid-season. Light satiny pink. Tall. As fine a single as we can find. A red Jap. has sometimes been sent out under this name. Kelway has a pink single also named this.Hans P Sass - Interstate Nurseries of Hamburg, Iowa. All introduced in the year 1937. |
SEA SHELL , Strong stems hold this bright pink single flower well over the mint green foliage. Complimentary stamens of gold. A tall plant which always performs well, and because of its height can be used at the back of the border. Pink single, Mid season no staking, 95cm. SEA SHELL Pink, single, Mid season , No staking. 95cm. Strong stems hold this tall bright pink single flower well over the mint green foliage. |
'Sea Shell' (USA Sass 1937). Rosa Schale mit gelben Staubblättern. Ihre zarte Färbung und ihre elegante Form verleihen ihr einen exotischen Reiz. |
Sea Shell (Sass, 1937) Pink, single, midseason, 37" tall, lactiflora cultivar. Bright, satiny pink flowers with tall grace and elegance. Upright and vigorous. APS Gold Medal winner, 1990. |
Nicholls Gardens (1999): |
SEASHELL (Sass 41) This warm pink single with its center of yellow stamens makes a beautiful and fragrant cut flower. GM 90 Midseason |
'Sea Shell' (Sass 1937) : flr. simple rosé nacré, 1m, très parfumée |
SEASHELL (M)(F)(Sass) Large single flowers of bright, satiny pink with a full center of yellow stamens; an excellent and robust variety for those who like the grace and elegance of single flowers; plant height to about 36" |
SEASHELL:Huge pink single flowers are borne over a long season as side buds continue the show. Great cut flower.Midseason. 4' tall. |
SEA SHELL Large, lively pink, borne on tall, strong stems. Very attractive. |
Bild von 'pinat' im Gartenforum: |
Svetlana Poperechnaya 2006: |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |