type: [herbaceous peony] [herbaceous hybrid]
WALTER MAINS (Mains 1957) Hybrid J.E. DR. (K-4) Albiflora (Lactiflora x officinalis. Anemone flora aurea ligulata rosea. Guards dark red, large, staminodes flattened, color of guards with yellow edges. Carpels whitish green tipped with pink. Tall. Bulletin #146 September 1957. |
'Walter Mains' is said to be identical with 'Ursyn Niemcewicz', but Stephan Tetzlaff doubts this, he grows both and they are different. Ursyn Niemcewicz is a lactiflora, Walter Mains a hybrid. |
Kortmann (1998) |
'Walter Mains' (syn. 'Ursyn Niemeewicz') (Mains, U.S.A., 1956) Japanse. Bloemen purperrood (RHS CC 61A, Red Purple Group, later 67A), halfgevuld; meeldraden crèmekleurig tot geelachtig, talrijk; bladeren matglanzend donkergroen, stelen aan de bovenzijde roodbruin; hoogte 80 cm; bloem en bladstengels matig stevig. Een bijna enkelbloemig lijkende cultivar; zeer opvallend door de bloemvorm en kleur. Helaas is de plant iets gevoelig voor Botrytis en is de groei enigszins zwak. Toch meende de keuringscommissie deze cultivar positief te moeten beoordelen. |
WALTER MAINS A glorious shade of burgundy red in the cup shaped petals,which set off to perfection the burgundy stamens edged with gold. A classic peony, reminiscent of a tulip, to add to your collection. Red single, Mid season no staking, 85cm WALTER MAINS Red, single, Early, No staking. 80cm. Shaped rather like a tulip with large slightly incurving mahogany red petals and golden stamens |
Walter Mains (Mains 1957) EM-M. Japanese type; dusky deep red outer petals surround a cluster of red and yellow staminodes, centered by whitish carpels. Medium height, spreading bush, stands well, grows well, dependable. APS Gold Medal Award 1974. |
M.S. Uspenskaja 2003, p. 115: |
Svetlana Poperechnaya 2006: |
Beitrag von pinat am 25.5.2007: |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |